Attention Group
Insurance Brokers:
PEOs are selling direct and taking your clients.
Other brokers are showing PEO quotes and taking your clients. Let’s face it – The current PEO Insurance Brokerage Distribution is broken. It is broken for the Insurance Broker, the PEO, and the employer.
We have created a platform built by and for brokers to finally get PEO quotes quickly and professionally. It is an eco-system platform that is transforming getting multiple PEO quotes and empowering brokers to present quotes efficiently.
Was 10 hours now 10 minutes!

Bad News!
There are no Broker Records in the PEO business – so if your client is sold a PEO by anyone else (broker or direct) you cannot take it over and get paid!! Therefore you’ve got to get the quote to your customer first!

How Did YOU get a PEO Quote Before BrokerQuoter?
Did you spend 10 hours on the quote and still look stupid?
It was expensive, time consuming, and horrendous process.
It was laborious and almost impossible to compare them. In short, a terrible experience for everyone.
It was difficult to present a PEO comparison to a prospect in a way that both you and your prospect/client could easily understand and also present a private market quote together.
Some brokers seem to be content with a relationship with one PEO and a singular PEO rep feeling to their clients — it is a start and inherently easier, but this is actually the absolute wrong move.
Once you let a client start to consider one PEO option – from you or a direct PEO rep you give access to, they look on the internet and often request quotes directly from other PEOs. You need to get multiple quotes just like you do with regular group insurance.
Oh yes, more bad news;
in group insurance you can ask the carrier for the same quote another broker provided but not with a PEO! If your client/prospect goes directly to a PEO first, you are out.
Our process simplifies what you need to do in order to
look smart and win (not lose) business,
AND even ensures YOU GET PAID MORE.
The Good News:
You can now do your job easier, faster, and more professionally. You will get multiple quotes three weeks faster and save over 12 hours of time on each PEO quote.
BrokerQuoter is the only software that takes you from gathering the correct client data to presentation quickly and professionally.

The RFP requirement to get a PEO quote is NOT just a census and current benefit plans. No, that would be too easy! There are over 10 documents you need to gather plus different forms for each PEO.
Getting PEO quotes for a 15-life case requires more effort than getting a medical quote for a 200-life group case.
Another flaw is that brokers don’t even really know what is needed and each PEO both needs and wants something different to potentially and eventually get you a quote.
Then, as soon as you believe you have given the PEO reps everything you think they need, each underwriter at each PEO starts requesting more information. It is a time-consuming nightmare!
No, don’t feel bad, only a PEO genius does.
There are not many other things you can do to look more incompetent to your client than continually asking for more information to get them a quote.
- Do you really know what a WC Dec page (Declaration Page for Workers Compensation) is, or how you get S.U.T.A. rates, or what scooping is and all the other requirements that are not part of your current small group quoting process? No don’t feel bad, only a PEO genius does.
- We make sure you do not look “uninformed” to your client.
With all these new processes, it’s no wonder the PEOs only have 5% of the market. This is due to the fact that we brokers have blocked them- but we cannot ignore them anymore – it’s time to use them to win and make more money. We also help you get more commissions; did we mention that?
The world isn’t changing –
It has already changed...

- Many PEOs have raised their commissions to make it worth selling them.
- Most PEOs are just bypassing the broker.
- Many employers and clients are now directly going online and bypassing you.
- And your broker competitors and payroll companies are giving your clients PEO quotes, which leaves you with no choice but to get PEO quotes – this is where BrokerQuoter comes in.
Alert !
- The contracts they give you often have clauses you would never sign if you read them thoroughly – BrokerQuoter software helps with that as well. And the commissions are incredibly different between them all, – but thanks to our knowledge base in Broker-Quoter you will know this.
Beautiful, Professional Presentations!
That make you look smart and don’t take 10 hours to create.
What you've always wanted!

- Gathering RFP requirements is just the first of 15 failure points to get PEO quotes – WE SOLVE THIS and the other 14 problems that make a broker dread dealing with getting multiple PEO quotes.
- With BrokerQuoter you can easily compare the multiple wrong (non-apples to apples) benefit options provided by the PEOs – usually with wrong and inconsistent enrollment.
- No more tracking who got what document and all the back and forth questions.
- Now, you can compare and understand all the services each PEO offers and pricing breakdowns instantly.
- And you can easily create a professional presentation of private market and PEO costs and benefits with the push of button.
Learn why other brokers are using Emerson Reid to also get PEO quotes! - Save cases, Get cases, Protect accounts, and look professional.
BrokerQuoter PEO Case Studies:
- Broker didn’t quote a PEO but a competing broker showed them one local PEO.
- The client called our broker upset. The broker called the PEO to get the same quote. The PEO said no.
- We quickly got 3 other PEO quotes that were better and even better than the open market quote.
- The broker saved the business and made about the same amount on the account BUT had way more service headaches.
- This one is simple – our broker received a late notice from the client’s insurance carrier.
- Our broker calls the client.
- The client tells them “We have this new, great PEO platform and we saved a ton on health insurance. Thank you for your help in the past. P.S. Maybe you have even shown me this in the past?”

- Large PEOs give our broker’s client a sales pitch, quote, and demo for their PEO.
- Luckily, the client told our broker.
- The broker called the Direct Rep at the PEO.
- The PEO told them thanks but no thanks (direct reps lose commissions when a broker is involved, and they lose control –so this is pretty standard practice).
How much can a PEO save a client?
- Up to 40% on the health and, when you add in the Admin Fees, up to 20% often!
- Sometimes nothing – either way you need to get the quote so someone else doesn’t first.
How you make more by getting MULTILPLE PEO quotes:
- New business you may not have closed.
- By not losing the case.
- Way less servicing costs!